Strange Attractor

Journey Music from Baltimore ~ Psychedelic Alternative Fusion ~Celestial Vocal Harmonies, Stylistic Flexibility, and Adventurous Arrangements.

Strange Attractor was at the center of a strong DIY epoch in Baltimore

Our sound reflects our ethos: organic and intricate; nuanced and light-hearted; open and evolving. Music that can make you dance, can make you think, can make you feel, and live shows that featured a vast rotating cast of musical family members. Currently on a hiatus, Strange Attractor was highly active in Baltimore from 2015-2022, connecting artists and musicians from across genres and communities. We played up and down the east coast. One of my favorite things about Strange Attractor is that we could fit in across a spectrum of spaces and synergize with line-ups of any genre. Strange Attractor brought an energy that left an impact and vitalized the clubs, warehouses, festivals, and underground spaces we inhabited.

Live at The 8x10 Summer 2021

Gino, Grace, Scott, Glenna, and Alex all met at St. Mary's College of MD between 2012-2014. Around 2014 is when Strange Attractor formed, in a basement on Sunflower Street. In 2015 everyone moved to Baltimore and we rented a warehouse space in Station North, which was our home base, rehearsal space, and would later become CityBeach. We recorded a 3 song EP called Temenos with Don Godwin in 2017, and spent 3 years playing lots of shows and livin that Baltimore life.

Temenos (2017): Art by Camille Hogan

In 2019 we met Zen, and our lives changed forever

In March 2019 we were wrapping up a rehearsal when Grace prophetically stated, "Good things are coming, good things are coming." A minute later Zen walks through the door with a mutual friend and we welcomed them into a big group hug. My recording device was still going, so we have the entire sequence of events documented. You can hear some of it sampled at the beginning of 'Artifact' from our album Terra Incognita.

Zen quickly joined the band and a new era of Strange Attractor was born. Around Strange Attractor arose CityBeach, our community and collective space for creatives. CityBeach was the kind of place that people would recognize from a dream upon entering.

Terra Incognita (2021): Art by Zen Xaria
Before zen left the country on a grand adventure 9 months later, we were able to track her parts for our album "Terra Incognita." COVID changed everyone's plans, Zen got stuck in Thailand, but we finally released Terra Incognita in November 2021. I'm super proud of that album. Some of those songs we had been playing for years, so to feel good about the final product and sending it into the world was golden.

At the end of 2021, we had to leave our warehouse space (The Annex on Oliver Street). Since that era has passed, Strange Attractor collectively decided to take space to pursue other projects and personal development. I look forward to the day Strange Attractor gets back together. It will be glorious.

Strange Family Credits

The universe that sprung up around Strange Attractor was vibrant, inspiring, hopeful, and always a wild time. So many creative, beautiful people in our orbit. I'm going to make a list of the people who have played with the band over the years:

Thanks to all the fire spinners, hoopers, dancers, and especially our projection supermottler supreme, mrdcell aka NICK who accompanied us for our live sets.

Strange Attractor Archives (Below)